Who is watching us anyway? Who controls our lifestyle? Fantasies or real facts that became known to military personnel...This story was told by retired US Air Force servicemen who claim that aliens have been deactivating US and British nuclear charges since 1948. This is exactly the sensational statement published on the pages of one of the British newspapers, namely The Daily Mail. Once, they say, a foreign aircraft even landed on the territory of one of the British Air Force bases. The governments of both countries carefully hide information about what is happening.

These revelations were made by six retired officers and one former conscript. One of the whistleblowers, retired Captain Robert Salas, said: "We are talking about unidentified flying objects known as UFOs." Salas first witnessed suspicious events on March 16, 1967 at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. According to Salas, he was on duty when an unidentified object flew in and hovered directly over the base. For unknown reasons, all the missiles turned off, and this, by the way, is 10 (nuclear) Minuteman missiles. The same thing happened elsewhere a week later.
Colonel Charles Halt claims to have seen a UFO over RAF Bentwaters near Ipswich about 30 years ago. This is one of the few bases where nuclear weapons are stored. The UFO emitted rays of light towards the base. Halt then heard over a military radio that aliens had landed at a nuclear weapons storage site. The last alien intervention in the operation of nuclear weapons storage bases in the United States occurred in 2003. These and other data are contained in the testimony of 120 retired or retired military personnel, which were collected by the speakers.
Retired military personnel are set to provide declassified information to support their claims. They will call on the authorities to confirm the information collected. A news conference scheduled to take place Monday in Washington will also shed light on the allegation by retired US Air Force Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher. While serving as part of a security team in 1976, he saw a cigar-shaped UFO hovering over Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. We continue to monitor the process... Author: GEximius
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