Water from thin air

Water from thin air

Water from thin airIs it possible to get water from air? Many scientists from many countries have worked on this issue and its relevance is only growing...
The sensational invention was presented to the public by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley. They have developed and now successfully tested an innovative technology capable of extracting water from the air even in a dry arid climate, that is, even in the sunniest desert it will be possible to obtain drinking water. Extracting water in the desert is extremely difficult, and the introduction of such technologies could significantly make the lives of many people easier. Researchers first told the scientific world about it last year, and now they have also tested it in real conditions. What’s interesting is that it took them so long to get to the desert, or maybe someone was in the way? Considering the fact that they finally arrived and were able to carry out tests, it means everything is not so bad.
It's no secret that the technology of extracting moisture from the air is far from new. But all the currently existing ways to do this have encountered serious limitations, or rather, increased environmental requirements. Typically, the devices required humidity above 50% as well as large amounts of energy to operate effectively. American researchers managed to create a mechanism for releasing water from the air passively, without using energy and at low humidity levels of up to 10%. The operating principles of the technology were officially published in the journal Nature Communications. As it became known, the “highlight”, or rather the essence of the new technology, is a special metamaterial, which scientists call a metal-organic framework (MOF). It consists of bonded molecules that create a large-area, super-porous surface. MOF is capable of being very hydrophilic, literally attracting moisture to itself. At night, it extracts water from the air and stores it in its pores, and when exposed to sunlight, the water leaves the pores and condenses, allowing it to be collected. The main thing for Samra is that the system is completely passive, it does not need energy sources or any mechanical parts. According to scientists: the capabilities of this technology are very impressive. Using just about a kilogram of MOF, it is possible to collect more than 250 milliliters of water per day even in the driest desert. Scientists tested the water extraction system in the arid climate of Arizona and were very pleased with the technology's performance in the field. It is also important that the MOF substance does not add any impurities to the water it retains, without affecting its quality in any way. Currently, scientists are thinking about how to make the system even more efficient, compact and convenient.
Author: GEximius

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