Underwater high-speed train UAE and India

Underwater high-speed train UAE and India

Underwater high-speed train UAE and IndiaThe project, grandiose in scale, was presented to the public. 1000 km/h - the speed at which the train will rush along the bottom...
The high-speed train will deliver passengers or oil from the United Arab Emirates to India, or rather to Mumbai, in just 2 hours, at a speed of about 1000 km/h.
< /center> The underwater railway project was presented by the National Advisor Bureau, which is based in Abu Dhabi. The ultra-high-speed underwater highway will cover a distance of 2000 km and will allow you to get from India to the UAE in 2 hours. The authors propose to build a tunnel in the Arabian Sea and run trains through it at a speed of 1000 km/h.
< /center> The structure must be supported by a network of floating platforms (floats). As reported by Business Today, engineers plan to equip the system with water supply and oil pipelines. From the port of Fujairah we will export oil to India, and from the Narmada River in northern Mumbai we will pump water for the UAE, Abdullah Alshehi, head of the National Advisory Bureau, shared the prospects of the project. It is noted that so far the underwater tunnel for high-speed trains exists at the concept level, but Alshehi’s company will evaluate the project in the near future.
Author: GEximius

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