In fact, it’s hard to be surprised by Russia’s latest sanctions against social networks. This time Telegram was not taboo...As it became known, Roskomnadzor asked the court to block the Telegram social network, which in principle is not so difficult to do. The case itself was opened at the request of Roskomnadzor, and judge Smolina Yu.M. I have already managed to hold a preparatory hearing in the Tagansky Court of Moscow. There were no lawyers from Telegram at the meeting.
Some say that Durov himself gave the order not to appear at the trial, but it may well be that the specialists simply did not have time to prepare. They only had a few hours to do everything about everything and it is clear that no one would have time to arrange everything at once. Today, April 13, at 10 a.m. the claim will be considered on its merits. Room 301, Tagansky District Court - everyone can come. Knowing Roskomnadzor, you can be sure that the agency will insist on blocking the messenger and this will happen sooner or later (or not?). But it’s worth preparing in advance. Author: GEximius
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