Astronomers believe that the world should be concerned, because very soon planet Earth will face a new test and, as scientists say...Conspiracy theorists around the world have seriously sounded the alarm about the new date of the Apocalypse. As experts stated, again in all seriousness, that next year a space object of incredibly large size will collide with the Earth. Astronomers cannot yet say exactly which celestial body will take on such responsibility and dare to head straight for our planet, bringing with it the death of all living things.

As always, there is an assumption that the cause of the “end of the world” will be one of the asteroids known to science, which is very large in size. Let us recall that earlier experts said that asteroid 2012 TC4, which recently flew past the Earth at a minimum distance, will next reach the planet in 2079, and there is a very high probability that it will not be possible to avoid a collision. This celestial body is quite large in size, so if it falls to Earth, it will not bring anything good and will most likely provoke a large-scale catastrophe. Author: GEximius
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