How to quit smoking

How to quit smoking

How to quit smokingProbably the most destructive habit that exists on planet earth is smoking cigarettes, and many have tried to quit smoking more than once, but...
According to experts, they attracted about six thousand volunteers to participate in the experiment, some of whom tried to fight smoking using electronic cigarettes and even nicotine patches, and some simply received information about the dangers of cigarettes and the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. Also, participants in the experiment who could abstain from smoking for six months were promised a bonus of 600 bucks.
Naturally, in the end, the best results were shown by those volunteers who were motivated by monetary rewards. The authors of the study are once again trying to convey that such results, firstly, indicate the low effectiveness of methods traditionally recommended by doctors and specialists to quit smoking, and secondly, they can help families and colleagues of smokers who want to help their loved ones and colleagues to get rid of a bad habit. Actually, the answer to the question of how to quit smoking turned out to be banally simple: financially stimulate a person. This means that we are ready to do more for the sake of money than for the sake of our own health. Sadly...
Author: GEximius

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