Elon Musk AI dictatorship is coming

Elon Musk AI dictatorship is coming

Elon Musk AI dictatorship is comingThis topic about artificial intelligence and its consequences for all humanity is raised repeatedly, but...
Imagine the most vile, most evil, cynical and insidious world leader. Now imagine that this person is not a person, but a network consisting of millions of computers around the world. And this digital dictator has instant access to even the most insignificant documented information about every person living or who has ever lived on Earth. He can also perform millions of calculations in a fraction of a second, control the world economy, all computerized military systems and, worst of all, has immortality in one form or another.
The emergence of such an incredible digital dictator, according to Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, is one of the darkest possible scenarios for the future of humanity if artificial intelligence development continues without serious regulatory oversight. The saddest thing, as Musk claims, is that if one company or small group of people can create god-like digital superintelligence, it can take over the world. Since the history of mankind gives many examples of individuals who tried to take over the whole world in their time. Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler are just some of the names on this list. However, according to Musk, authoritarian artificial intelligence is something completely different and will have one, most perfect and unshakable advantage over all these people - they were mortal, and for AI there will be no such thing as death at all, it will be able to exist forever and there is nowhere to hide from such evil. “If AI has a certain task and it so happens that humanity stands in the way of solving this problem, then AI will simply destroy it, as a matter of course. Without any hesitation or moral torment. It’s like building a road in the way of which "It turned out to be an anthill by chance. We don't hate ants, we're just building a road. So goodbye to the anthill," Musk said.
Author: GEximius

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