Electric cars Sales growth worldwide

Electric cars Sales growth worldwide

Electric cars Sales growth worldwideGood news for everyone who wants to preserve a clean planet for posterity. The growth in sales of electric vehicles is breaking all records...
In the first quarter of 2018, 312,400 electric vehicles were sold worldwide, which is almost 60% more than in the same period last year. This data includes global sales of electric vehicles, electric trucks and hybrid vehicles, as well as commercial vehicle sales in the United States, Canada, Europe and China.
If we take statistics for January-February of this year, the preferences of motorists are distributed as follows: the demand for cars with hybrid engines has increased by almost 70% and the demand for pure electric cars has increased by more than 50%. The most interesting thing is that even hydrogen fuel cars, which are still a rarity, managed to achieve popularity by as much as 34%.
Based on sales data for the first quarter of this year, the favorite in sales was naturally the Nissan Leaf with a result of 22,000 cars, and the Tesla Model 3 with only 8,000 units. But this is only the beginning of the era of electric vehicles and everything is yet to come. If I’m not mistaken, VW promised to switch to producing cars only with an electric drive from 2024, and Volvo also plans to completely abandon the internal combustion engine in the near future.
Author: GEximius

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