China Longest bridge

China Longest bridge

China Longest bridgeChinese friends never cease to amaze the whole world with their technologies and the pace of their development, confirmation of this will be the opening of the largest bridge...
Everyone laughed and did not believe, but they did it. Despite all the jokes and undisguised sarcasm on the topic of Chinese quality, it is China, and no one else, that is able to surprise the whole world in terms of new technologies, structures and infrastructures.
China's largest sea bridge will open this month. This giant bridge will connect Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. The length of the structure is 55 kilometers. This is the longest sea bridge in the world. The bridge has six lanes for traffic and consists of four tunnels, one of which is underwater (by the way, it is also the longest in the world). Four artificial islands were built to support the structure.
Over the coming decades, according to Chinese statisticians, about 250 million people are expected to migrate to the country's expanding megacities. And precisely to ensure that such large-scale migration processes do not cause any problems, the government is investing tens of billions of dollars in giant infrastructures.
The construction of the bridge took eight years, as for me it was completed quite quickly, and its cost was only 110 billion yuan, which is about $16 billion. To build this bridge, engineers used 420 thousand tons of steel. According to the construction contractor, the bridge can withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake and should last at least 120 years.

Author: GEximius

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