Anti-aging medicine

Anti-aging medicine

Anti-aging medicineA question that has been asked by many people in power and just ordinary geniuses. A question that torments the brightest minds on the planet to this day. A new discovery by scientists...
Nothing lasts forever under the moon and time mercilessly rushes ahead or is it like sand slipping through your fingers? Simply put, every year we get older and aging is an inevitable consequence of our existence. At all times and under any ruler, there were people or a group of people who dealt with the issue of eternal youth, trying to overcome the aging process, in other words, to find the elixir of eternal life. As far as I know, although I sincerely hope that I am wrong, so far no one has been particularly successful in this direction. Even if we are not yet able to achieve absolute immortality, we at least have the opportunity to increase our lifespan by a third, thanks to the discovery of scientists in the USA.
So, a group of scientists from the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda has developed a drug that they say removes aging cells from the body. This was discovered during a study of drugs called senolytics. These are experimental drugs that allow you to selectively initiate the death of senescent cells.
Quoting the researchers: “Old cells tend to accumulate in the body, resulting in an increase in the number of age-related diseases, and this, in turn, causes the death of new cells and aggravates the aging process.” In a series of experiments, two drugs, quercetin and dasatinib, were given to a group of laboratory animals. As it turned out, these drugs, both together and separately, increase life expectancy by an average of 30%. In addition, it was found that the mice had improved cardiovascular function, increased endurance, and began to strengthen bone tissue. Intermittent administration of quercetin and dasatinib slowed the progression of osteoporosis. Now researchers are striving for a deeper study of the metabolism of the drugs described above, but even now we can say that in the near future we should not expect a “pill of youth” since quercetin and dasatinib have many unpleasant side effects, so scientists are faced with a very difficult task: getting rid of the side effects and at the same time preserve the properties of drugs that can fight aging.
Author: GEximius

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