Alcohol is killing us

Alcohol is killing us

Alcohol is killing usHere are a few more reasons for you to get rid of the harmful habit of drinking...
So, what organs of our body does alcohol destroy first? The first blow falls on the mouth and throat, and regular alcohol consumption leads to a very high risk of developing cancer in this very cavity. Our bodies cannot digest alcohol, but it still damages the stomach and virtually the entire digestive system. The simplest consequences that can occur in an alcohol lover are gastritis and ulcers.
Alcohol actively affects the heart and vascular system, destroying arteries. According to the same statistics, almost 15% of deaths worldwide occur as a result of heart attacks and strokes caused by alcohol consumption. The harmful, or rather destructive, effect begins within 5-7 hours from the moment of consumption.
Naturally, the liver suffers the most, which takes on all the brunt of the “heaviness”, then the pancreas and kidneys are “raked out to the fullest” and ultimately alcohol can completely destroy these organs. The brain also does not go unnoticed by alcohol, which disrupts blood circulation and leads to the death of brain cells.
After drinking alcoholic beverages, a person’s intellectual abilities decrease, the nervous system and psyche suffer, and the moral character simply drops below the baseboard. The consumption of alcoholic beverages has become such a part of our lives that few people think about simply quitting drinking. No matter how much the extras “ring” about the fact that the younger generation has begun to drink less, this is nonsense!
Author: GEximius

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